CTFSN would like you to use this page as a general resource for contacting your state representatives.
The CT General Assembly Website has a link to a “Citizen’s Guide” with great information about how a bill becomes law, directions to the Capitol, giving testimony and FAQs.
Find Your Legislators here.
Connecticut General Assembly Website.
Contacting the Governor of Connecticut
Governor Ned Lamont
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford,CT 06106-1591
Helpful links to other organizations:
The Arc Connecticut
Sharing your story: Tips for writing testimony
Sharing your story: Tips for writing to lawmakers
Disability Rights Connecticut
DRCT is an organization that works to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
Check if you are registered to vote here.
To register, click here.
Regístrate para votar o actualizar la información de tu registro
Enlace de web
For more information on voting and registering click here.
For information about REVUP and getting the disability vote out, click here.